Copy Word text to a new email
- Oct. 11, 2024
I regularly work on larger Word documents: a statement of work for a different project, user guidelines for specific actions in PA, you name it. It happens quite often that I need to extract excerpts from the full text and send it to someone else by email. I wanted to automate this task. You might say: 'Why not doing it manually ?' Well, the code below automates the process with the click of a button (icon in the Word ribbonX) but does more than a manual copy/paste.
I only put the cursor in the desired heading of text (paragraphs) I want to copy over. The macro does the rest:
- select and copy the text of the selected paragraph, including the texts of all 'underlying'/depending headings or paragraphs (timesaver)
- the Subject of an Outlook email is the title of the selected heading
- a new email is started (saves again some clicks and time)
- paste all selected text preserving the formatting
- my Arabic numbered endnotes in the Word document come out as Latin numbered endnotes in Outlook, so VBA code changes this number style (if not, I need to do it manually)
VBA code
Sub Copy_Selection_To_Outlook_Email(control As IRibbonControl)' Wim Gielis '''''' ' VBA-code to copy paste text from Word in a new Outlook email ' 10/11/24 '''''Dim rng As Range Dim para As Paragraph Dim mainHeading As String Dim iHeadingNumber As Integer Dim olApp As Object Dim doc As Object Dim endnoteOptions As Object ' Set up the range for the paragraph where the cursor is located Set rng = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range mainHeading = Trim(rng.text) ' Set the main heading as the email subject If Right(mainHeading, 1) = vbCr Then mainHeading = Left(mainHeading, Len(mainHeading) - 1) End If iHeadingNumber = Val(Replace(Selection.Paragraphs(1).Style, "Heading", "")) ' Expand the range to include all descendant paragraphs until the next heading Do Set para = rng.Paragraphs(rng.Paragraphs.Count).Next If para Is Nothing Then Exit Do If para.Style Like "Heading*" Then If Val(Replace(para.Style, "Heading", "")) <= iHeadingNumber Then Exit Do End If rng.End = para.Range.End Loop ' Copy the range text (including endnotes) rng.Copy ' Initialize Outlook On Error Resume Next Set olApp = GetObject(Class:="Outlook.Application") If olApp Is Nothing Then Set olApp = CreateObject(Class:="Outlook.Application") On Error GoTo 0 ' Create a new mail item With olApp.CreateItem(0) .Subject = mainHeading .Display .GetInspector.WordEditor.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat 16 '16 = wdFormatOriginalFormatting ' Access the Word editor of the active Outlook email Set doc = .GetInspector.WordEditor ' Access the endnote options in the Word editor On Error Resume Next Set endnoteOptions = doc.Endnotes On Error GoTo 0 ' Check if endnotes are present If endnoteOptions Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No endnotes found in the email.", vbInformation Exit Sub End If ' Change the numbering format of endnotes to Arabic numerals endnoteOptions.NumberStyle = 0 '0 = wdNoteNumberStyleArabic End WithEnd Sub
The rest should now be easy for you. Have fun automating these otherwise tedious and boring tasks !